Monday, November 8, 2010

It's Starting to Look A Lot Like Christmas!!

All I can say is Wow!
Have you checked out the Christmas Mini Album Kit in Scrapbook Doodle's store?

When I opened the box this month I was thrilled! I love to create mini albums!
I started thinking about it right away. During the holidays it seems like I am always in a rush and it seemed like simple was in order.
This kit is just the ticket!

The Little Yellow Bicycle Mini Album is shaped just like a little package. The tablet of the die cut papers fit perfectly. Embellishments you say? Well Yvonne has taken care of that one for you too! It was really a snap to put together. I added a few extra embellishments that I found in the store and voila! I was done!

Check it out! You can't go wrong with this one!

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